Photo (from left): Bloody Bull, Fiery Ginger and Apple Boost, Pomegranate Negroni

Mocktails are a refreshing and delicious take on cocktails without the booze. Maybe you're not in the mood for a true cocktail. Maybe you're taking some time off from drinking (Dry January, anyone?). Maybe you don't drink at all. No matter the reason, these flavorful beverage recipes from Clare Liardet's Dry: Delicious Handcrafted Cocktails and Other Clever Concoctions are worthy of mixing up for your next brunch or when you just need a boost. Also check out more recipes at our Mocktails Recipe Collection.

Dry Book Cover Dry: Delicious Handcrafted Cocktails and Other Clever Concoctions by Clare Liardet

Bloody Bull

Clare Liardet: This is a super tasty version of a Virgin Mary—it’s almost a liquid lunch. I recommend transferring it to a thermos and taking it on a long morning walk in the fresh air to revive you halfway. If you do use a thermos, chill the Bloody Bull beforehand and don’t use ice, as the drink will become too diluted.

Fiery Ginger and Apple Boost

CL: I  love  the  taste  of  ginger  in  the  morning  and  have  a  guilty  love  of  ginger  beer  at  any  time  of  the  day.  This  is  an  instant,  healthy,  fizzy  ginger  hit,  with  none  of  the  vast  amounts  of  sugar  found  in  commercial  brands  of  ginger  beer.  It’s completely invigorating.

Pomegranate Negroni

CL: The cherry concentrate gives an extra layer, but isn’t essential. However, I recommend keeping the cherry concentrate in the fridge as a sugar-free cordial. It’s also delicious with hot water.