
From Lynne's Guide to Marinades. © 2006 by Lynne Rossetto Kasper. All Rights Reserved.

For one pound seafood, poultry, all meats, vegetables and firm tofu.

  • 4 large cloves garlic

  • 1/3 tight-packed cup fresh basil leaves

  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves

  • 1/3 cup red or white wine

  • 1/3 cup good-tasting olive oil

  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper

1. Finely mince everything in a food processor. Rub or toss with your choice of foods. Marinate, then grill, sauté, roast, braise, or stew

Variations: Substitute other herbs and/or spices for the basil and thyme. Try cream or whole milk yogurt instead of olive oil.

For Middle Eastern style lamb or grilled vegetable marinade, use 1/2 cup yogurt instead of the wine, fresh coriander and a teaspoon of ground cumin instead of the herbs, along with the existing olive oil, garlic, pepper and some hot pepper to taste.

For Indian-inspired flavoring, use 1 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup fresh coriander, 1/2 teaspoon each ground cumin, coriander and Garam Masala, the existing garlic, plus 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger.

In any variation, as long as your have a generous garlic base most flavorings will work.