Like everyone, we know it's diet-resolution time again. But we like to avoid the expected and the ordinary here at the Splendid Table. Besides, everyone is too serious these days with Y2K worries and all. So cheer up and tune in—we're bringing you a show on the delights of excess! Our guest is Nan Lyons, author of Gluttony: More Is More, one of a series of books on the seven deadly sins. There's little that Nan takes seriously and only regrets that she wasn't asked to write about lust. Whip up her chocolate peanut-butter soul pie for a final blast of bliss if you simply must start counting carbohydrate and fat grams on January 1.
We knew we could count on Jane and Michael Stern to come up with something excessive and they did—a steak nearly the size of Texas. Grace Young has advice from the Chinese on how to usher in the new year properly and a recipe for salt-roasted chicken. Mark Bittman thinks we should be using a little more butter and guides us through the basics of reduction sauces, and Bill Waddington introduces us to rare and luxurious Puer tea.
Broadcast dates for this episode:
January 1, 2000 (originally aired)
December 30, 2000 (rebroadcast)