Thanks to David Karp for the following list of citrus sources:

  • Satsumas - California Citrus Express: 800-592-1008 ($27 for a 5 lb. box) or, Raylene Snow: 916-885-0718 (12 for 10 lbs., $24 for 25 lbs.) Best through the end of December

  • Honeybells - Cushman's (in Florida) 800-776-7575 ($23 for a quarter-bushel to $49 for a full bushel, order now, they come in January)

  • Dancys - Cushman's again ($32 for 24 fruit, the season is NOW) Be sure to tell them you want ONLY Dancys.

For additional reference - David recommends the following books:

  • Citrus, Complete Guide to Selecting and Growing More Than 100 Varieties, by Lance Walheim (Ironwood Press 1996)

  • Citrus Varieties of The World, by James Saunt (Sinclair International 1990)